Cosmetic Dental Care

 Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a popular term used to describe a range of dental procedures that aim to enhance the appearance of one’s smile. These procedures are often performed by dentists using various tools and techniques in order to achieve the desired results.

The main goal of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the overall aesthetics of one’s teeth, gums, and smile. This can include correcting imperfections such as discoloration, misalignment, or teeth size and shape. Additionally, cosmetic dentistry can also address functional issues that may affect one’s ability to speak, chew, or maintain proper oral hygiene.

One of the key things to keep in mind about cosmetic dentistry is that it is not typically covered by insurance. This means that patients will need to pay for these procedures out of pocket in most cases. However, the investment in a beautiful and confident smile can be priceless.

There are various types of cosmetic dentistry procedures available, each with its own unique purpose and benefits. Some common procedures include teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental implants, and orthodontic treatment. Each of these procedures has the potential to transform a person’s smile, improving their self-esteem and overall quality of life.



Enhance Your Smile

While having a healthy smile is crucial, loving your smile is just as important. We believe that everyone deserves to have a smile they can be proud of, which is why we offer various cosmetic treatments to help you achieve the perfect smile. Our office provides whitening treatments that can brighten your smile and give you a more youthful appearance.

Not all teeth are the same, if you have problem areas call our office to set up a comprehensive exam and consultation to learn more about transforming your smile. Our doctors will present a treatment plan with you that includes costs if you’re interested in a full smile makeover.


Teeth Whitening

From eating certain foods, drinking certain drinks and time, teeth can become discolored. For a whiter and brighter smile, we offer an at-home professional teeth whitening kit at Verber Dental East. 

Teeth Whitening is a very popular topic in the dental world and its one that our patients often ask about. Many patients want to have a brighter smile before their big wedding day, for a new job, or just to simply have a whiter smile. From eating certain foods, drinking certain drinks and time, teeth can become discolored. There are a wide variety of products available to you, some of which can be purchased at a retail store but they may not offer the same degree of changes that you’d get from a dentist, and they may leave your teeth very sensitive.


A do-it-yourself whitening kit that you can pick up at your local grocery store or pharmacy typically offers lower concentrations of whitening agents and hydrogen peroxide. This means they’re not able to whiten to the same level that a professional whitening kit can achieve. At Verber Dental East we can offer you a higher-concentration professional whitening kit that you will take home and apply with a custom-fitted tray that can provide a deeper and more noticeable whiter smile. If you’re considering a professional whitening treatment to brighten up your smile, you’ll be happy to know that we can help! Our office uses a system that produces fast results and is one of the world’s most effective.


Teeth Whitening Without The Hype

The system we use doesn’t come with all of the flashy lights and lasers that you see many others using, but it delivers whitening results that are tough to match. And unlike many other methods, you can easily maintain your nice bright smile at home with simple periodic maintenance.


Easy and cost-effective, our take-home trays are a bleaching procedure that uses custom-made whitening trays to put a healthier look back into your smile without the expense of a costly, generic cosmetic treatment. Overall, patients are amazed at how much whitening can be achieved with these at-home trays. After a while and an occasional treatment now and then is all you need to keep your teeth looking their best. If you’re in the Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, or Enola area and are interested in teeth whitening, contact us or call us at (717) 288-6109 



If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth due to chips, gaps, or an imperfect shape, porcelain veneers may be a solution for you. Veneers are thin covers that are placed on top of your natural teeth to give you the smile you desire.

Before undergoing any cosmetic dental procedure, it is important to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Your dentist will assess your oral health and help you decide if veneers are the right option for you.

The process of getting veneers involves creating a mold of your teeth, forming the veneers to fit perfectly, and then bonding them onto your natural teeth. This process is minimally invasive and can provide long-lasting results.

One of the benefits of porcelain veneers is their natural appearance. They can be color-matched to your existing teeth, giving you a seamless and natural-looking smile. Additionally, veneers can also improve the shape and alignment of your teeth, creating a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Your dentist will work with you to choose the best size, shape, and shade of veneers for your individual needs. With proper care and maintenance, veneers can last for many years, making them a worthwhile investment in your smile.


Invisalign Treatment

If you’re in the Harrisburg area Verber Dental East can help with your Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a transparent, plastic form of dental braces used to adjust teeth. Invisalign gently moves teeth into the right position.


How does Invisalign work?

During an Invisalign consultation, we will use our iTero Element® scanner to take a quick and precise 3D scan of your teeth. This scan will help us map out a custom treatment plan just for you. Once your digital plan is finalized, your custom aligners will be made using a state-of-the-art printing process. We will work with Invisalign to fine-tune every shift in every tooth and be able to show your new smile before you even get started.


How long will Invisalign treatment take?

Depending on the complexity of your case, you could complete your treatment in as little as 6 months, but you’ll start seeing results in a matter of weeks. Our doctors will be able to give you more specific information based on your own individual case. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Invisalign can help treat the following:

  • Crowded teeth
  • Overbites
  • Underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Gap teeth
  • Open bite
  • Generally straighter teeth

If you’re interested in learning more about invisalign, call our office today at (717) 288-6109  or ask about it at your next visit if your already a patient with us!

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